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Spiritual Empowerment

Writer's picture: LA GonzalesLA Gonzales

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Spiritual empowerment can be summarized as our inner connected mind, body, and soul combined with our direct connection with the divine—the significant universal source of love, life, and abundance.

abstract artwork
Photo by JR Corpa/Unsplash

Spiritual Empowerment

Our mind is the most powerful resource at our disposal. With the proper information, we can create positivity that produces a positive outcome for us. According to the American Psychology Association, we have two sides; both play a direct effect on our emotions. They also give us direction to our full spiritual empowerment.

Our minds alter our reality and affect the existence of those we choose to keep around us. Our emotions are equally powerful as they enhance the divine love we are created from and connect us to realize that love is universal. Our soul holds every life experience - a never-ending ball of energy that carries our authenticity through us toward others. It includes not only people but every living being imaginable, abundance and prosperity.

If that sounds like a lot to learn, it may be, and with it comes a reinforcement that we do have more power as humans than we realize. Knowing the profound interconnection to the divine is excellent, but what do we do with it once it comes to fruition?

To truly understand life as a human, we must be able to step out of our "shells," a coating that puts layers of protection from deception around us. Our minds sort out what we think is best for us and create security in what we believe to be accurate. A secure life encompasses everything we can think of for survival as a human for some and goes more in-depth for others.

The most in-depth attachment to empowerment is when we feel entirely safe in our thoughts, expressions, and physical self. The soul beckons us to bring our true nature and desires to build a foundation of strength to gain awareness of everything and everyone around us.

The simplicity of the basics of our needs is quite common for many to feel safe in everyday life. There are others where security means multiple investments, including education, financial endeavors, careers, family, cars, homes, and much more. Whether a simple lifestyle or a dazzling one, it is our belief in what we equate to our version of security.

The beliefs that make us feel safe and comfortable are only sometimes in full capacity and can restrict our personal growth. If we were raised in a particular way where the philosophies of our family and social surroundings needed to be followed, or there would be consequences, they could lead to one-sided perceptions. Not being able or willing to see what's on the other side can limit our abilities to earn money, make quality friendships and hinder our self-love.

Spiritual empowerment and heightened intuitive abilities are blessings we are born with; however, those younger years' philosophies and others we associate with can take our power away. The power to feel our way through a situation and avoid negative experiences can tug at our insides as a spiritual hint. Unseen forces and suggestions can put us precisely in the life we love.

Spiritual Coach - Find your true self and path to create abundance.

Too often, we are told we can't. We can't have something or someone, and although the reasoning behind it makes no sense, our conscious mind agrees. Imagine you're walking down the street, and your head is weighing heavy and pulling forward. Your body is sure to follow, but your feet keep tripping as you get closer to the outcome. Our feet represent the unconscious part of that journey, and the head equates to the conscious or awakened mind.

People who commit to making the changes and want to increase their growth experience have a more profound, longer, and lasting experience.

Making life changes can be scary since we're going in a different direction than before. Yes, exciting, and we can also feel a little trepidation about moving into a new area of life. Whether in career, romance, family and friend structuring, or our path to self - it can be intimidating.

It takes time, patience, and perseverance, and having knowledgeable guidance and support makes the difference in obtaining your goals.

"I believe in transparency - that's part of our personal growth.
In hiding, we can create distrust."
by LA Gonzales.

Distrust in our social encounters, families, friends and our own choices creates separation. We can run but not hide from the anxiety that accompanies us when we feel alone. Loneliness can come and go; however, if we see ourselves as one, it can tempt us to make choices that will later leave the sensation of regret unless we use our spiritual empowerment to make the conclusion.

What are you hiding?
Feelings, lack of confidence?

Accountability becomes one of the most valuable rewards in transforming our life. There is a point through our journey where we realize every experience, each relationship, and our inner beliefs are ours. We implant those thoughts, feelings, and emotions and make choices based on our perceptions. That would mean we pick the people that love and hurt us. Spiritual empowerment leads us to understand why we chose them.

Working with a spiritually enhanced mentor means you are not alone.

How Does It Work?

Almost immediately, your energy vibrations change to positive. Positivity is primary in creating the life we love and connecting to universal energies. Everything takes place the second we commit to going in a new direction.

Confidence comes through because you choose to take control without being controlling.

Ascending Souls Journey is here for you!

Making this decision creates instant change.


Spiritual and Intuitive Empowerment Coaching with Ascending Souls Journey

Through various ways of communication, we will stay in touch each week.

  • Private sessions (In-person, Virtually, or By Phone)

  • Email Coaching

  • Voxer coaching

  • Blogging

  • Resource Library

  • Bonus training

  • Random email check-ins

(Example: when we think about signing up for the gym, the feeling of being stuck happens as we wonder if we should or should not sign up. If we unconsciously believe we need to get fit and take better care of ourselves, It will continue until we say yes.

Once we follow our intuition and thinking, we feel inspired instantly to get that goal. (sign up for the gym, a Spritiaul session, Etc….)

In addition, we can begin to manifest on an unseen level even if we are still working on the courses.

Here is what happens immediately after we "Go For It"!

  • Creates consistency

  • Tangible results

  • Increased confidence

  • The clarity in what we are changing

  • Accountability

Our programs aren't therapy, counseling, or psychic readings that can go on indefinitely. Results arrive through our client's determination and willingness to do it differently. Following their intuition toward investing in ourselves this time means You'll gain:

  • Greater satisfaction in relationships

  • The clarity in your next role

  • Confidence galore

  • Restored hope

  • Faith in making choices that work for you

  • Making career changes

  • Finding a humanitarian move for the better of you and others

  • Enhancing intuition or spiritual gifts

Are you ready to find your way through the dark and hit the ground running in the new year?

Do you know where you're going?

What is it you want?

Do you know how to get it?

Spiritual Coaching

  • Expanding consciousness

  • Understanding universal energy and how it works through us

  • Developing the conscious and unconscious minds

  • The clarity in spiritual gifts

  • How to use our spiritual or intuitive gifts in everyday life

  • Who are we?

  • What is our life and Soul purpose?

  • What happens when we don't walk our spiritual path?

  • How we become empowered through our beliefs

  • We can find our blockages. Intuition gives us the answers when we understand how to listen to them and use "Micro Vibes" to find our way out.

  • What are the signs and synchros around that guide us?

  • Where is our intuition taking us?

  • Gaining insight on how to tap into our higher self

  • What is the difference between our conscious thoughts and intuition

  • Developing a personal plan that leads us into life, we love

  • Understanding our "gut" when it comes to other people's intentions

  • Following our intuition vs. others around us

  • "Feeling" the right direction or choice for ourselves.

  • The 90-day plan or (8) sessions would be needed to gain full impact in all areas above.

  • Various plans cover areas based on the number of sessions and our clients' needs.

"I believe in transparency - that's part of our personal growth."

By hiding, we can create distrust."

- LA Gonzales

What are you hiding?

Feelings, lack of confidence?

"We should be Communicating our value at all times."

"I understand the value of my program and your value as a client."

- LA Gonzales

You're right if you feel this is a lot to cover in 90 days or less.

It is also very obtainable and will make an instant difference when we move into a new career, job, interviews, friendships, family dynamics, romantic relationships, new projects, and most of all - ourselves.

The real question is:

How far do you want to go in your personal growth and future?

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